Friday, September 01, 2006

Pluto? Never Heard of It.

Actually, I think I might have heard about an asteroid by that name. Or was it Kupier Object 1342 I was thinking of?

Either way, it can't be anything of consequence. What's the difference between one object which isn't able with its own gravitational force to be pulled into a hydrostatic equilibreum, and hasn't cleared the space around its orbit, and another?

It's all just space junk.


Anonymous said...

Who's this Quaoar? I think he's kind of cute. Adorable round head, lovely salmony-pink complexion. Is he Pluto's replacement? Because if he is I may have to rethink this whole thing.

Screw Pluto and his no-pull ways.

La Misma said...

Why the privileging of the rounded orbit? Who decided that was superior to a slightly oblong orbit? It seems a sign of dangerous intolerance to condemn a planet for such a deviation from the norm.

I'm impressed you know about Kupier this and that, though. I never heard of it.

beckett said...

kuiper actually. oops.

La Misma said...

My new favorite is Sedna.

Anonymous said...

There might be life on Pluto. Extemophile microbes down in the deepest crevices...